For questions about the Staff Policy & Procedure Manual please email headofschool@hamiltonchristian.org.
This is a fillable form. Download the form and fill in all relevant information parents will need to know for each field trip. Print and distribute to families. If you prefer you may distribute these electronically to families through FACTS communications.
Please send completed Purchase Requests to rene.leever@hamiltonchristian.org.
In your email, YOU MUST include a link to the item(s) you need the office to purchase or the purchase will not be made.
A picture or screenshot does not suffice. An active link is required. Thank you!
Please send Absence Requests to office@hamiltonchristian.org.
Please send completed Field Trip/Van Request forms to office@hamiltonchristian.org
Each teacher should plan 3-5 field trips or service projects (minimum of 2 service) each year to augment their teaching plan.
Field trips should be mapped out at the beginning of the school year.
For each field trip the following procedures should be followed:
1. Before a field trip can be announced this “Field Trip Request” form must be completed (for EACH field trip) and turned in to the Administrator for approval. This approval should be secured 3 weeks to 10 days in advance.
2. A purchase request form must be filled out to delineate the need for the debit card. If reimbursement is requested the receipt(s) shall be attached and the specific amount spent completed after the trip.
3. If parents or teachers are driving a personal vehicle and carrying any students that are not their own child they must first fill out a “Volunteer Driver” form and background check form and turn all completed forms into the office at least 2 weeks in advance.
4. Each student is to have a completed “Field Trip Consent” form for each field trip.
5. Medical release forms will be available online to all teachers for each attendee. See FACTS-SIS.
6. Bring a first aid kit available in the office. Return when done.
7. Upon returning from field trips, vacuum van with DustBuster found in the janitor's closet, as well as ensure the van has a full gas tank. You can ensure this by refilling yourself or asking someone from the front office to arrange this to be done.