Our HCA School Board
Ellen Holton - Chair
Bill Eiler - Treasurer
Darcie Zohner - Secretary
Brian Wrede
Chris Zirbel
Randy Weaver
Dean Anglea - Head of School
School Board Committees
Budget and Finances - Bill Eiler (Treasurer), Ellen Holton (Board Chair), Dean Anglea (Head of School)
Fundraising - Ellen Holten, Dean Anglea (Head of School), various parents
Policy and Procedure - Dean Anglea (Head of School), others as needed
Facilities and Maintenance (including building projects) - Bill Eiler (Treasurer), Randy Weaver, Dean Anglea (Head of School)
Publicity/Marketing - unspecified board member(s), Dean Anglea (Head of School)
Family Relations - unspecified board member(s), Dean Anglea (Head of School)