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Academic Philosophy and Approach

Here at HCA, we strive to provide intellectual, spiritual, physical, and vocational development in a Christ-centered environment to train up disciples of Christ.

The guiding principles of HCA are found in God’s Word. His excellent instructions for daily living are found in Colossians 3:1-17. Each person’s responsibility is made clear as stated in Hebrews 13:17 (LB) “Obey your spiritual leaders and be willing to do what they say. For their work is to watch over your souls, and God will judge them on how well they do this. Give them reason to report joyfully about you to the Lord and not with sorrow, for then you will suffer for it too.”

By enrolling a student at HCA, families agree to live within the framework of HCA's Standards of Conduct. Families are to demonstrate a respect for spiritual things, the staff, the rights of others, the flag and government, property of others and the school, and to comply with the regulations of HCA.

As part of HCA's educational mission, students are imparted a Biblical worldview, which they are encouraged to embrace throughout their lives.  God's worldview is defined by our relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.  Love for God can be expressed through the entire mind of a student who loves him with all their heart.


Chapel, Biblical instruction, and scripture memorization create a Christ-centered learning atmosphere. A Biblical worldview permeates our academic instruction. Class schedules include opportunities for students to put their faith into action through community activities/service learning.

Dedicated teachers and staff help students utilize their God-given talents and reach their full academic potential. Small classes, a positive learning environment, integrated technology and committed teachers give students a distinct advantage. 

Teachers and staff partner with students to identify God-given gifts and talents. Students are presented with opportunities to use their abilities to impact the world, stand out in the workplace, and influence those around them. High school students begin to connect learning & life skills early through job shadowing and internships.